The Fact Lab

Where mysteries are solved
and knowledge mastered.

Welcome to the Fact Lab

It's not enough to play the game, we want to win it too! That's why we built the Fact Lab. It's our research station where all the fascinating, obscure, and astounding facts of the world are collected and stored. Ready to be used at any time! Whether you like your information in soundbites, videos, or deep dives, the Fact Lab has exactly what you need to level up your trivia knowledge. Master them all and never be bested by a tricky question again!

Interesting Facts

Uncover some seriously interesting facts about history, film, geography, and more to help you ace that next game night!

Watch and learn

Don't fancy reading right now? We get it! Our video-facts were made for you. Just sit back, and watch and learn. Challenge what you know and enjoy every minute.

Interesting Facts

Watch and learn