So, You Want to be a Game Show Contestant?

Game Show

Let’s talk about brains! To date, the human brain is the most complex biological feature we’ve encountered in the universe. It’s the driver of intelligence, interpreter of senses, and regulator of behavior, and operates 30 times faster than the quickest supercomputer. Additionally, it only requires the energy it takes to power a lightbulb. Believe it or not, with all that computing power, there are still ways we can maximize our ability to learn new things.Have you ever dreamed of buying a vowel, phoning a friend, or bidding on a showcase? If so, read along as we breakdown what it takes to become a contestant on a TV game show, and boost your chances of fulfilling your game show ambitions.

Before you pick out that perfect telegenic outfit, consider what it takes to get your fabulous 15 minutes of fame.

The application process: choose a show, apply, and wait

Game Show

First things first – decide which show you want to be on and submit that application with confidence. If you want to walk away a winner, consider the game show format and if it plays to your strengths. Are you better suited for trivia, or physical challenges? Choosing the right game show could mean the difference between you walking away with a new car, an interesting story, or perhaps even an embarrassing one.

Once you’ve set your sights on a particular show, be sure to carefully follow the application instructions. Some shows like Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and The Price is Right require potential contestants to first purchase tickets to be audience members at a taping. Only then will you be able to cross your fingers in hopes of getting the opportunity to participate.

Other shows such as Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy! ask potential contestants to apply digitally with a videotaped audition or a more formal written application. In the case of Jeopardy!, you’ll of course have to first complete a test displaying your wicked intellect. Some shows may offer casting calls in your local region, as they send out buses across the country to scout for talent that may otherwise go undiscovered.

To increase your chances of being selected, try to apply to the show while it is actively seeking contestants. Of course, this timeframe will vary from show to show, so do some homework.

If you’re keen to already practice your game show skills, then entertain yourself with our fantastic and unique Lucky Wheel product. It has all the fun of a trivia game show without the travel expenses. Otherwise continue reading to learn more about what you need to do to stand out during an audition or interview.

If the application process requires some sort of audition or interview, be sure to behave in a manner that matches the show’s style. For example, if the show is fun and playful, don’t be afraid to be a little silly. If the show’s atmosphere leans a little more towards the formal or serious, keep your composure, be polite, and be respectful. Of course, no matter which show you choose, casting directors are looking for happy people who genuinely have a positive attitude, so be sure to flash your smile. Look for tips directly from the shows themselves on what it takes to create a successful application or audition.

Finally, once you submit the application, prepare to wait for some time before hearing back from them. In some cases, it could take up to 18 months to hear a single peep. If you are one of the lucky few to be selected, you should be sure take a fully charged phone or a nice book, as wait times can be quite long before the actual taping begins

Those pesky requirements

Game Show

Before you even apply, or receive that long-awaited callback, ensure you meet all the requirements and criteria. Game shows usually set an age limit for contestants – often over the ages of 18 or 21. You should also consider travel expenses or any time off from work you’ll need to attend the show.

In the rare case that you’ve been on two game shows in the past 5-10 years already, you’ll likely not be allowed to participate in a third within that timeframe. Perhaps TV networks want to spread the wealth around, so to speak. Also, if you have any association with the game show or network, either through friends or family, or if they were a former employer of yours, you’ll likely not be allowed to attend. In this case, the old “who you know” adage, doesn’t work in your favor.

How to walk away a winner

Game Show

Watch the show! You can never get too many hours of viewing time in before your appearance. Go ahead and grab a notebook and pen, take scrupulous notes on strategies other contestants are using, and become a student of the show – “be the show”.


Game Show
  • Choose a show that plays to your strengths: trivia, physical challenges, word-based…
  • Carefully follow the application procedures
  • Ensure you meet the age and travel requirements
  • Apply while show is seeking contestants
  • Prepare to wait an eternity for a callback
  • Become a student of the show – strategize

Now equipped with all the vital info, we hope you can apply with confidence and fulfill that lifelong dream of being a TV game show contestant. Good luck, stay humble, and remember it’s never as easy as it looks on television.